My Parents Have Been Replaced

Joe was a normal kid. He went to little seed middle school. He had quite the tan, with blue eyes, and black hair. He was rather flashy, and cared greatly for his looks. His parents looked just like him, accept bigger.
Joe would live his normal life, until one fateful night. His parents were late from work, and it was about ten. Joe sat by himself, watching television. When his parents got home, they seemed a little off. Joe just shrugged it off as them being tired.
The following day, His parents were even more off. They mistook little things about him at first, like his favorite number, color, and shape. Soon, they forgot bigger things, like the fact that he had a thing for art, or the day he drew them what they called the best picture ever. They even forgot his middle name.
Soon, Joe started to wonder why this was. He pondered for a bit, but got mad when he came to no conclusion. Then, he came to a very interesting conclusion. Could his parents have been replaced. Maybe that's why they were late home. Maybe that's why they forgot thing about him. He then started believing this like a six year old believes in santa, as this was the only real explanation to Joe.
The following is what Joe was thinking at the time.
I think my parents have been replaced. They get all sorts of information about me wrong, such as my name. My name is Joe, not Rob. My mom is so fake, she forgot my birthday. So did my fake dad. Sometimes I think they are aliens, watching me. I have no reason to doubt that either. Today, I baked my mom chocolate muffins. She smiled, and said yum. My real mom is allergic to chocolate.
At this point already, I was very mad. If they were no my real parents, then where are my real parents? Why are the fake parents still pretend to be real? I spend hours a day pondering, but to no avail. The questions exploded inside my head.
My dad actually forgot today was the day I was first put into the baseball rookie league. I tried to mention it to him, but he said it was not true. I looked at my sign up sheet, and it said it was today. When I showed it to my dad, he said he was playing and that he knew. I don't believe him.
To me, that was proof enough. My real dad always remembered these types of things. He always remembered this kind of stuff. I ran down my room, screaming at my frustration with the situation. Once I got to my room, I started to cry. I had no way to prove to the police my parents were replaced.
When I got to school, I told my friends what was happening to me. They all laughed, as it was hardly believable. I decided not to do anything drastic, so I went to the school counselor, using the claim that I don't feel right. We talked about how I don't feel that I belong, and he recommended that I have family bonding time with my parents. I hate that idea.
Anger, hate, and frustration filled my body further. I stopped talking to the fake parents, and they stopped talking to me. I began to cry myself to sleep. No one would believe me. I knew I was right, though.
The weird thing though, is that my parents seem to know about everything but me. Mostly about themselves. This struck me as odd, as it didn't make sense to me that they would only forget about me. When I quiz them on themselves, they seem to get everything I know right. They even talk the same.
As time went on, I started to act weird. Since nobody believed my story, they left me alone. They probably thought I was insane, as I wouldn't quit on the telling what was happening to me. My social life was becoming a disaster. I even sometimes began to think I really was insane.
Today, while my so-called parents were at so-called work, I went down to the basement to find an old drawing I had once put down there. I was bored, so I thought maybe I could add some details to the artwork. I found the drawing, but underneath of it seemed to be a journal. It said it was by my parents, but it was dated back to when they started to first act weird. I opened it and read.
[Journal entry one] We have been sent to observe how smart the human newborns are. After long study of the human language to fit any tongue, we have finally been able to test the child. We will give see how he uses time in his every day life. . We hope soon he will give us enough information. Once he does, we will begin step two.
Finally, I have the proof I need for the police. Then, I hear a thump upstairs. As the realization of the fact that those things got back, I back myself into the far corner of the room behind a box.
The aliens start to scream in frustration of not knowing where I am. I jump back, screaming. I then hope to god they didn't hear me. My parents are apparently aliens. Making matters even worse, I only assume they are aliens from the guessing, and the fact that they refer to us as another species, sort of. I begin to read the new words.
"He knows. How could we let an accident like this happen. The human seems to have found the log, and we must find him. We must commence step two in our test. We must complete our mission."
What is test two? Whatever it is, I don't want to be part of it. Upstairs, I could hear creaking. The monsters up there must know where I am. Even though I don't want to, I start to whimper in fear.
I slouched down even further in the dark as I heard the aliens come down the stairs. They walked a bit, and then sat down, as if to wait. I had poked my eye out of a crack behind the boxes to view the scene. I had expected to see slimy, green creatures, but I instead saw them in human shape, just like they always presented themselves to me. What was disturbing though, is that they never moved.
The aliens have not moved for a while. They just keep sitting. My breath becomes heavier, as terror takes over my body. I send a silent prayer that I survive this. My body starts to shake.
Sitting for an hour, I'm getting pretty tired of this. The aliens still have not moved. I look at the aliens, as they begin to speak again.
"We know where you are hiding Joe."
I Looked at the aliens move towards me. Watching as they removed the boxes surrounding me, it was clear they knew where I was. Not meaning to, I began to sob. I looked up at the aliens. I asked them, why they took my parents.
I began to sob even louder, even more. I asked them what test two was. The aliens smiled, like the way humans smile when they pull a prank on their friend. The alien mom then pointed to the journal. I lowered my head to read it.
[Journal entry five] Subject, test two. The purpose of test two, is a live human dissection. Reason, to view the anatomy of the human.
I woke in what I can only guess is still the basement, even though I have no memory of going to sleep. The aliens are in front of me, telling me to ask questions. I start with a few ones I have been meaning to ask since waking, although I figure soon I might as well take my last breathes representing humanity well, not afraid. This time, I scream as loud as possible, as I'm strapped down to a table, helpless. There is no point in trying to escape or be mad in my situation.
Aliens: Speak human, as this is your last chance to say words.
Joe: Why all this to vivisect me?
Aliens: There are more tests, but we did this to collect as much info as possible. Besides, that helps us learn the weaknesses of humans when we begin to rule them.
Joe: What do you mean rule?
Aliens: Like a snake rules over the rat.
Joe: Is that why you're vivisecting me?
Aliens: Yes.
Joe: Why try to give me fear and then vivisect me?
Aliens: The fear is to see how humans react to it, and the vivisection is to see what is inside of you.
Joe: Why not just reveal yourselves? Why the hints?
Aliens: We wanted you to figure it out for yourself. Testing the human mind on problem solving.
Joe: Where are my parents?
Aliens: We are testing children, so we took them in the night and imprisoned them in a secret location until they are of use for our adult testing.
Joe: How did you get them?
Aliens: Our tactics are stealthy.
Joe: Why a live vivisection?
Aliens: To see how long you last.
Joe: Why?
Aliens: To compare you to the other kid, who wasn't awake.
Joe: Why did you forget about your chocolate allergy when you were pretending to be my mom? I don't know why you would bother pretending to be my mom anyways
Aliens:That was a most unfortunate accident. Also, since you had a two parents, a mother and a father, that was the only way to make it a trustworthy experiment.
Joe: Why the hints?
Aliens: To help you solve the problem. The problem was also there to scare you. Although, the hints were supposed to be for later. It was a surprise you found them.
Me: What are the future tests?
Aliens: You don't want to know.
Me: What is the point of interviewing me?
Paper: To study how humans handle the brink of death, verbally.
Me: What will happen to me after vivisection?
Aliens: You don't want to know.
Aliens: You are out of questions. You will be vivisected soon.
Me: When will I be vivisection?
Aliens: Now.
A door creaks open, as the aliens walk in. They have surgical tools next to them. I'm about to help these aliens rule humanity, all because I couldn't do anything about it